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Geegpay Writing Challenge: Bills and Burdens

  Standing by the window, I let my gaze wander aimlessly. I’d once found beauty in everything but these days, I could only see the reality of my circumstances, and it wasn’t beautiful. The bills piled up as high as my frustration. Another client had cancelled last minute, offering only a half-hearted apology. I glanced at mama snoring softly on the sunken mattress. My eyes welled up when the fear of her dying before I made it resurfaced. This fear was my constant companion. I’d worked so hard to become exceptional at my craft, but my efforts went unnoticed, yielding minimal returns. Plagued by unpleasant thoughts, I decided I needed a walk. I’d walked a distance when I noticed a figure lost in focus, painting the dusky sky. I was going to walk past when the figure turned to pick up a can of paint and I glimpsed her face. It was Dawn! the artist renowned for finding hidden beauty in subtle moments. Without thinking, I went close and blurted, “How do you do it?” She turned, e...

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